Do I Hate Myself? Do I Hate Others? Do I Hate YOU?

Saturday, September 11, 2004

ditching friends for some guy

I don't get it. I just don't.

Why do some girls would drop off their girlfriends the minute they lay their hands on a new potential boyfriend? why? why? why? Could someone enlighten me regarding this matter pls? We could hardly say the same thing about the opposite sex. Guys always stick together, no matter what. It doesn't matter if she has been with the girlfriends for 6 yrs, 10 yrs or her whole friggin lifetime, she ditches them anyway for the guy, if she finds herself torn between the girlfriends and the guy. I said I would never be one of those. But somehow, I already did that horrible thing, unknowingly, a few years ago to a good friend of mine, H.

Back when I was in college, my clique used to hang out with a group of boys, the Monkeys. That year, the Monkeys were not so into H's guy. So one fine night, when H was sleeping, the Monkeys asked my clique to join them for a late supper outside campus. We didn't want to wake H up cause we wanted to avoid H's guy from following us to the late supper. We thought H was asleep when actually she wasn't. So she heard our little 'discussion'. The minute we left her alone in the apartment, H called her guy, crying because of our inconsiderate behavior. Yes, us, the friends that she thought she could count on. Just to please some guys, we actually ditched her. Now, the table has turned. She's ditching us for a married guy whom we didn't approve her to get involved with. And to top it all, she said she loathes us (well not all of us, just me and Ice) all these years, since campus life to working life. All 5 friggin years.

At first, we just don't get it. What's with the harsh words and all? Where did that come from? All my campus life, I went to same class with her, be in the same assignment group with her. I was her roommate, if not a permanent fixture in her room. We laughed at the same joke. We watched Mr Cinderella series together just to kutuk the story every evening while laughing all the way. We called it 'senaman perut'. We had lots of road trips together, to Tjg Bidara, Port Dickson, Sabah, Labuan. And now, she's telling me that she actually hates me all these times? I was stunned. Shocked. Sad. Slowly, the sadness turned to anger. And now, it's just hatred, pure hatred. How could she? If we're so bad, she could have just walk away anytime she wants if she hates us that much. She shouldn't hang around with us for 5 f*cking years. How could she drop the bomb just like that now? How could she.

All these while I thought she was one of my bestfriends. The one that I could tell anything..well almost anything. Now, she's gone. Gone with a little piece of me, which I know will make me feel incomplete. I don't think I'll recover from this. I agree with Ice. I don't think anything can surprise me anymore.

To be fair, after thinking for awhile, I discovered that sometimes I actually forgot to act like a good friend to her like I claimed to be. I thought what I did was good enough. Apparently, it wasn't. I could have done so much better.


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